Federal Reserve Releases Report on College Credit Card Agreements
October 26, 2010
Circular No. 12255

The Federal Reserve Board has released a report that contains payment and account information about more than 1,000 agreements between credit card issuers and institutions of higher education or affiliated organizations that provide for the issuance of credit cards to students. The Board also launched an online database with additional information such as the terms of these agreements.

The Board's report covers 1,044 agreements that were in effect during 2009. Among other things, the report lists the largest agreements by the dollar amount of payments made to the institution or organization during 2009, by the total number of accounts opened under the agreement during 2009, and by the total number of accounts opened under the agreement that remained open at the end of 2009 (regardless of when the account was opened).

A new online database provides additional information about the agreements. Users can access the complete agreement text in PDF format and see the information submitted by card issuers regarding payments and accounts. Users may also search for agreements by card issuer, by educational institution or organization, or by the city or state in which the institution or organization is located.

See the press release.

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