Community Development & Education

The Case for Investments Over the Life Course

Our Community Development team is focusing on three key areas: health, household financial well-being, and climate change. Learn more about our strategy, developed in collaboration with the Bridgespan Group, a leading social impact advisor, to connect emerging solutions with funding to foster racial equity and improve life for underserved communities.

Farmer using a laptop while sitting on tractor in farm field
The Role of Fintech in Unsecured Consumer Lending to Low- and Moderate-Income Individuals

Our hope is that by identifying and elevating promising ideas that have the potential to make transformative changes, and by connecting those ideas with funding, we can begin to dismantle racism and poverty.

Expanding Access to Capital for CDFIs
Series of four modern multifamily buildings on grass-lined street on a sunny day
Credit Access Report with graphs

‘Human capital’ means everyone from a toddler spooning applesauce in a house down a gravel driveway to a neurosurgeon finishing her coffee in a brownstone. What happens to our people determines the wealth of our nation. – David Erickson

Credit Access Report with graphs
The Role of Fintech in Unsecured Consumer Lending to Low- and Moderate-Income Individuals
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